About ASAP Technology
To make matters worse, many exam review providers sell prep courses that use an outdated study method: a linear “study-everything” approach. Candidates are expected to make their way chapter by chapter through every topic, without regard for the knowledge they already have – which, typically, is most of what’s needed! Just as unhelpful, students are left to their own devices to guess how well they actually know the material, resulting in many candidates sitting for the exam before they’re ready…and failing.
At KnowFully, we realized we needed to bring something completely new to the table, something that would make studying easier, more efficient, and that, ultimately, would not only get candidates exam-ready, but would do so in less time, and that would them know that they were, in fact, ready to pass.
That’s why we created A.S.A.P. Technology™. This award-winning adaptive learning software is enabling exam candidates to earn higher pass rates, while actually studying less than what other courses would require.
How ASAP Technology works
You start by completing a series of quizzes with content pulled from the exam outline. Our software’s algorithm analyzes your scoring patterns to determine your proficiency in each topic.
At the conclusion of the assessment, you’ll receive your ReadySCORE™, which indicates your starting point, or what you could expect to score on the exam if you took it that day.
Your assessment results are paired with actual exam category content weightings to produce recommended study areas. As you progress through your studies, a real-time algorithm will optimize your study plan, ensuring you’re staying on your fastest and most convenient route to the finish line. Your ReadySCORE will also update in parallel with your progress, so you can see first-hand where you’re becoming proficient, and where you’ll be spending more of your study time.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) make up the exam, so it’s crucial you be well versed in them. To maximize your MCQ study sessions, every question includes a difficulty progression tool serving you the multiple-choice questions that are just challenging enough to progress through your studies as quickly as possible. So, if you’re just beginning to understand a topic, you will see questions that are easier. As you begin to attain mastery, you will see more challenging questions.
Take the Guesswork Out of Exam Readiness
You’ll first get a baseline ReadySCORE at the end of your assessment, which marks your starting point.
Your ReadySCORE is broken down by content area, and you’ll see it change with each passing study session, reflecting the progress you’ve made. Once you reach a passing ReadySCORE, you can be confident you’re ready to pass your exam!
Try ASAP Tech With a Free Trial of NAPLEX by Knowfully Test Prep Today!